Saturday 7 January 2012

Congratulations, Mr Editor - Translated

So Matt left me another rather cryptic coded message in his post congratulating me on my prior success, which was really only partial. This time though, I was able to complete pretty much all of it using my puzzle-solving brain.

The message this time round was as follows.

As a final note, Kxo Okohduc Otakeh aj u rak ev u nehkxcojj jfedwo fohjed. Av xo teojd'k uk coujk bden kxo cudwiuwo ijot xoho, xo dootj ke wok meho unojemo. Ucje, u xuk kaf udt rhevajk ke udoedo nxe sud hout kxaj/bdenj nxoho ke vadt kxo moudadw. Oei wioj uho seec.

So there you are. First four words are English (no duh, Mr Editor). Then, using a single technique that I've used in cracking various codes in the past - professionally known as guesswork (and yes, that's a technical term) - I have the translation here. This is what it literally says. I think there were one or two typos thrown in to throw me off track.

As a final note...
The Eternal Editor is a bit of a worthless sponge person. If he doesn't at least know the language used here, he needs to get more awesome. Also, a hat tip and btofisd do anyone who can read this/knows where to find the meaning. Eou gues ane cool.

That's the literal. This is what I believe to be completely correct.

You guess are cool.
... Or alternatively...
Emu goos are cool.

Matt will tell us what he really meant by all this, I'm sure...
Until the next time.
Regards, The Eternal Editor

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