Sunday 1 January 2012

January 2012 Update

Another month gone, but this time it's different. For the first time, the Kettle sees the dawn of a new year!
   Yup, it's 2012 and the blog is already steaming ahead. Last month saw the Kettle doing the best yet. Views from all around the world have poured in, and the audience appears to have widened considerably. Hits from locations as far away as Croatia, Latvia, South Korea and Canada have all found their places among the ranks of views alongside the big three - The UK, Russia and the USA. If any of you lot know folks elsewhere who would enjoy the blog, tell them. We're not turning down the opportunity of widening the audience further!
   We gained two new authors last month - Rinrei and The Eternal Editor. You've probably seen evidence of their work, seeing as they joined pretty early in December. They've helped the views rocket to an all-time high. And just a quick thank-you to the people who did apply but got turned down. Keep trying and you'll get there eventually. Write, write, write! Live to write, write to live. That's one of my mottos. And I'm still looking for applicants, if anyone's interested.
   As this is the first update for the New Year, I feel obliged to make it a particularly special one. However, due to a lack of imagination brought on by severe over-sleeping, you'll have to wait for now.
   As far as plans for this month go, I kind of hope to get hold of another TV series to review. I'm aware that I sort of ran out of TV series when I quit Merlin and 'Death in Paradise' ended. However, never fear! There's a particularly brilliant super-sleuth airing a brand new series tonight which I'm intent upon watching. I'll give you a clue. The detective's name is Sherlock Holmes.
   All the best for 2012, this is A Whole Different Kettle of Fish saying a brief farewell. And I mean it when I say brief. There are articles to write, and we all must write them!

As an aside, I know that I promised paradoxes to a certain person. You'll get them soon, all being well. Patience!

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