Monday 9 January 2012

Life of Rinrei - Labyrinth (Soul Eater)

I'm laughing at The Editor because he actually found it difficult to translate Matt's writing. I can naturally understand gibberish because when I was younger I wrote in code so people couldn't read what I was writing. It was quite entertaining to watch. I believe that was around the time I was deprived of sugar.
   (Note from The Editor: I never claimed to find it difficult. It was a challenge worthy of my time. And of course you didn't actually have to write a post explaining what Matt was really saying.)
   The purpose of this post? There is none. The title is just based off a song I'm listening to right now. Thanks to this song (which is based of some character or another), I have gained an unusual need to talk to my inner self and slowly be driven insane by thoughts of eyes surrounding me.
   I suppose I should have a subject for this... I'll just leave a coded message for the Eternal Editor and see how he does. I expect that he will give up after two weeks of trying to decode it.

Gd ymu yaru dei moau kasaxmui wuoiasl ymax uowoluoum dei baqq gu ymeweughly heskixui guhoixu ymax ax heiei osi isquxx ymu Uyuwsoq Uiayew mox hmoslui ay, ymus ymdx baqq gu seymasl xmewy ek o rasi xhwub. As ymax ruxxolu A hos bwayu o gpshm ek wiggaxm osi ossed oqq qolahoq rasi. Xe, kwer muwu I baqq usi rd woymuw xmewy heiu osi xod ye ymu Uyuwsoq Uiayew, heslwoyiqoyaesx! Dei buwu ohyioqqd gewui useilm ye ywd osi ywosxqoyu ymax ixuquxx wiggaxm.

So cool, so cool, so cool...

(Note from The Editor: Aha! Another challenge. Thing is, dear Rinrei, that I can already see how I can decode this. Muhahahaha...)

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