Sunday 22 January 2012

Melting Brains

I just heard that the Eternal Editor has challenged us to a secret code thing and there will be a prize. All I'm thinking at this point is: Meh. If I don't know what the prize is then I won't do it. I don't do work for something I don't know for a person I don't know. I will merely be the Liberator and the Executioner while the two other fools take place in their madness. I will probably stick in useless comments like 'the secret is in the pudding'. Until I either find out who The Editor is or what the prize is, I will not be taking part in such a childish challenge. Basically, I feel lazy and I am not taking part in anything that includes effort.

(By the way Editor, if you understood what I was like you would not use any metaphors to do with fire. You would regret it since, I now have permission to use the matches again.)

Note from The Editor: I hide not from you. If you wish to find me, then all you need know is where to look. Maybe that 'place to look' is in the code I'm setting you...

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