Monday 2 January 2012

Happy New Year...

Yes, I realise that I am a few days late for this, but would you rather I didn't say anything at all? (Professor, don't answer that.)
   Well, my dear little servants friends, I hope your Christmas was pleasant, and if it wasn't then I hope that the unpleasantness came after the general goodwill part as it did for me. You shall observe that I have survived the opening of presents and the wonderful dinner that my mother had made. However, soon after this I went to a friend's house, and the veritable sea of animal fur in that house  caused my throat to give up on itself and plague me with phlegm for the days after. I am still suffering from this, despite many puffs from an inhaler and taking medicine. Never fear, I promise you I am still living happily, watching the epic-ness that is Kung Fu Panda 2 and stuffing my face with the wonderful "polo chocolate" that my friend kindly gave me.
   The real reason I am on now is to sort of remind you all that I still exist. Recently I have been going through an "Artist's Block" where I have not been able to think of anything to draw. I have been down in the dumps about this and not really thinking about anything else. This has not only interfered with blogging, but also with my schoolwork which, as of this moment, I am trying to catch up on. But it is nothing to worry about now, as I have now completely gotten the "Block" out of my system by scribbling with blue pen. Right now I am in the process of drawing a picture which will hopefully satisfy me for a long time.
   So I'm back to blogging. My review of 'Twilight' shall be finished later. I actually need to plan what I am about to write and maybe I'll be doing more topical rants when I feel like it. For now I hope you all survive the apocalypse later this year but until then, goodnight.

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