Wednesday 18 January 2012

My Revenge is Nigh - Just Wait and See.

Ah... Here we are again. I stand before you now with an announcement to make. An announcement so increduously increduous that you shall deem it... Wait for it... Incredible.
   Many of you have noted, with a certain pleasure, that Matt and Rinrei have been writing codes for me. I am still in the process of working out what Rinrei's last code was and have all but given up on Matt's 'Nongratulations' (which was really just cheating; I swear it must be double encrypted or something). The simple fact is that I have been doing the same. While I solve their occasionally inspired but mostly incoherent jumbles of characters and make a message of them, I have been gathering information from their posts. This information is being used to my advantage. What am I doing, you ask? Well, I'm constructing a code of my own.
   "Give us a spoiler!" you cry. My curt answer to you is, "No. That would be cheating." However, as Pisces won't quit telling me, "It's not cheating. It's just advertising." I'm disinclined to believe him.
   Matt, Rinrei, Evil (MoC) and Pisces (yeah, none of you are being spared), prepare to be up against the code that took up the last three pages of my Moleskine notebook. The first one to solve it shall win an unknown prize. That's assuming that you can solve it at all...
   Pick up the gauntlet, authors. It's your turn. You played with fire. Now you may well get burnt.

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