Saturday 10 December 2011

Barbie Dolls and Hurricanes

It is indeed a weird title, but those are what I have been fighting with the past week. Not only that but deadlines. DEADLINES! Deadlines for chapters in stories on my online profiles on different websites and comics I have been forced into doing (I tell a lie. I chose to do them. I thought I could do it). Anyway, along with the Christmas shopping (which I will probably do on Christmas eve), I have to play the entire of the 'Curious Village' and 'Emily Strange- Strangerous' in order to get a nice long review on the blog. For now I leave it up to Matt and the Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers to fill my space. Did I mention the Eternal Editor? No? WELL DON'T DELETE THIS, OR I SHALL HAVE TO TELL PISCES ABOUT WHAT YOU DID AND WHAT I WROTE! Anyway. Signing off.

FOOLS! See you later.

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