Saturday 17 December 2011

What's On My Mind? - A New Series of Posts

Hello, viewers. It's The Eternal Editor again, just back to lay out the situation for you lot out there.
I am assuming that you, the ever-observant readers, have already clocked the title of this post. As you have done so, you are no doubt inclined to ask the question: "What the heck's he talking about?"
This is a good question to ask, so I'm glad you asked it. Allow me to indulge you by giving you the answer to said question.
In an effort to spite His Eminence the Mighty Professor Pisces as well as raising minimum complaint from him by bringing in extra views and hopefully new subscribers too, I am starting my own sequence of posts. This series is marked down as 'What's On My Mind?'. This particular configuration of words shall appear in the title of each and every one of the posts that follow this theme and shall be tagged in the same fashion (see the bottom if you don't know what I'm on about). I'm putting claim to this, so if any of you other authors (Pisces, Matt, Evil, Rinrei) want to try your fingers at this, then you'll have to go through me. Otherwise I'll edit your post until it's unrecognisable, then repost it under a different name and with different tags. Just a friendly warning.
Anyway, to start the trend and therefore the series, I shall be writing and posting the first in this series of posts very soon indeed. Be on the lookout for the series as it appears: often a post shall be themed upon a certain event that shall soon or has recently occurred. In short, they're arriving soon and may or may not be themed.
Keep your eyes peeled. My first post may well be all about tangerines. At the same time, it may not. You'll just have to wait and see, won't you?
Until next time,
The Eternal Editor

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