Friday 2 December 2011

December 2011 Update

Well, folks, it's good to be able to stand here and comfortably say that I'm still alive, as are all the other members of the blog. Well, maybe not confident as such. I'm pretty sure Evil has succumbed to some sort of demon... She appears to think that I am a punchbag, which is one thing that I am not. If I were to be a punchbag, I would be a sentient one. That is not at all a pleasant thought.
   So, onto the review of this month.

This month has seen much activity. The audiences are coming along nicely, with views from the UK, America, Russia, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Germany, France, South Africa and even Japan, South Africa and Ireland flowing in. This obviously constitutes a large percentage increase in our audience. As far as hits go, we are on the rise. I'm very happy with this side of things.

Now, to members. I myself have been fairly active. I've been reviewing a load of stuff, mostly 'Death in Paradise' and 'Merlin', though the Merlin reviews have kind of petered out a little. Sorry. I got bored. Yeah, even Professors of General Stuff get bored sometimes.
   Matt has been strangely silent this month, at least for the latter part. I can't actually remember the last thing he posted. I suspect it may have been 'Giblets'. Said post has no links to anatomy, I can tell you that. I ask him nicely to get something done, and nothing happens. What do you lot think, good viewers? Should he get the sack? You decide. No response means that either the problem has subsided or I just won't take any action at all.
   Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers is in a situation remarkably similar to that of Horrid (Matt. Read the profiles and you'll get these references). However, she has at least posted an excuse. That excuse being that she has exams and has failed to prepare. Strange. I thought that that would constitute for there being a larger amount of time available for her to type up something half decent. Again, the sack for her or not?
   Now to the surprise that you all know about already anyway. We have a new member. That member would be Rinrei. She does have a blog of her own, but she can post the web address herself if she gives a monkey's uncle about it. Rinrei has in fact no particular category into which to place her posts, so just click on the label marked 'Rinrei' to see her posts. I'm getting round to writing a profile piece for the 'About the Kettle' page, but as of this point I haven't gotten anything done. So far all she's managed to do is create more work for me, having the most terrible grammar and no sense of where capital letters must be placed.
   Enter The Eternal Editor, a strong possibility for a new member later this coming month. He isn't exactly online as of this instant, but he is being pieced together as I type. The Eternal Editor, as he's known in the blogging and writing sects of society, is going to be a big help. He has offered to edit all posts going through our blog so that spelling and grammar are correct and so that I can rest easy knowing half the work is done already. He and I shall be conversing closely, as certain rules must be set down. For those of you who actually want to know, The Eternal Editor tells me that he's up for grabs. When he comes online, he'll happily work on your blog and edit posts for you, free of charge. All he asks at this time is that you give him some space to set himself up and then grant him Administration priveleges so that he can in fact edit your work. That is all he has to say at this time.

That is basically all there is to say in this update. Check up next month to see what's been doing in the month of December. Until such time as that, I bit you farewell!

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