Monday 5 December 2011

Death in Paradise, Episode Six - An Episode Review

Do not lecture me about putting this up late! You're getting it anyway. Do you want this series of reviews to go the same way as the Merlin reviews? That's what I thought. Now, to business.

Goody goody! Another part of the 'Death in Paradise' crime drama watched and another review to write. Here goes nothing.

Episode image for Episode 6
This week, Camille is in Paris on some sort of course, leaving the other three team members to run the office on Saint Marie. Dwayne is out investigating a break-in when a diver is found to have gone missing. After a lengthy search, the diver is found dead in ten feet of water. His air tank was turned off. Dwayne suspects murder.
   Meanwhile, Fidel is investigating a disappearance of a more local sort: DI Richard Poole hasn't turned up for work. Concerned for 'the Chief', Fidel visits his home to find that he is in fact ill. It looks like he won't be doing police work for a while. The Commissioner hears about this and reels in a policewoman on holiday, a rather uptight woman with no idea what to do.
   So it is that Dwayne and Fidel begin to investigate the seemingly impossible murder of the diver while under the scrutiny of the horrible new superior that the Commissioner has found them.

So once again the team of intrepid investigators and daring detectives are faced with a seemingly impossible murder. An experienced diver drowning in ten feet of water, with a full air tank that hadn't been turned on? Wow. That would be a rather difficult murder for anyone to solve, if it weren't for forensics.
   Firstly, there is the weird oblong bruise across his chest.  Then there's the fact that he's found without his bandanna, which he is seen with everywhere but when he's dead. And then there's the turned-off air tank. Coincidence? We think not, say Fidel and Dwayne...
   You'll notice that there has been no mention of Richard so far. That is because Richard is, in fact, fallen ill. Fidel finds him delirious with fever, and as such he is kept to his house for the episode. The fact that Richard is confined to his home adds a new dimension to this story. Despite being ill, he seems to be determined to help with the case in any way he can. He manages to get himself a whiteboard and manages to give the others some helpful hints. This is all with some help from Dwayne and Fidel, who feed him information when they can. Fidel also feeds him fruit, but nobody cares about that, do they?
   Because there is nobody to really coordinate the investigation, the Commissioner pulls a rather severe old woman out of her holidays to 'help out'. Truth is she's a horrible stuck up twig that would do well to be murdered herself. As Dwayne and Fidel later say:
Dwayne: She hasn't got a clue, has she?
Fidel: Actually, she has lots of clues. She just doesn't know what to do with them.
   ...or something to that effect. So this new person (who I accidentally mistook for the Mad Woman from last week's episode - oops, my bad) is annoying, impedes the investigation and just generally hassles Dwayne and Fidel. On top of this, she doesn't know Fidel's proper name, so calls him Freddy instead. She is a Twit with a capital T.
   Despite the odds, Fidel and Dwayne do remarkably well on their own. However, it is an intervention from Richard that finally clinches the case and makes the arrest. Honestly, where would the Saint Marie Police Force be without DI Poole?

So, my review. I rate this episode at eight of ten on my super scale. The murder is clever for starters, leaving most people without a clue as to what is happening. Then there is the usual intriguing range of clues. As Because this is a good crime drama, they actually make things hazier than before. No answer appears to be within sight. Then the good DI, or in this case Fidel and Dwayne, crack open the leads and pursue them. I like that in a murder mystery. Tis good.
   The fact that Richard wasn't the centre of the universe in this episode, alongside the fact that Camille's nowhere to be seen, adds a new dimension to this particular episode. It really expands Fidel and Dwayne, plus adds a very comical aspect to the whole thing when we switch back to the good Inspector, who is ill in bed. It's very funny, has a good murder, intrigues me greatly and just generally constitutes a very good crime drama episode. So that's a very good eight from me.
   Tomorrow, the second last episode airs! I can't even remember what's going on this week. Maybe it'll be a two part thing, but somehow I doubt it.
   Anyways, watch the space above this post for the next review. Until then, this is the reviews department of A Whole Different Kettle of Fish going to sleep. But only for a brief nap, you understand.

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