Wednesday 21 December 2011

My Thoughts On Christmas

I came here to rant yet again but, instead, I will talk about something completely different. IT'S CHRISTMAS IN FOUR DAYS!!!
   I love Christmas. I love the giving and receiving of presents. I love going to church and celebrating Christmas (although I only do this at the church near my dad's house in Wales). I even love SAYING the word Christmas. I love every aspect of Christmas that can occur upon this earth.
   When I was a wee lass, my brother and I would wake up at three in the morning and charge straight into the living room. We would talk about who would open their presents before my mum woke up, and I was often the one that did this. Every year, a day before Christmas we got to open a present early. I had a habit of opening the smallest while my brother opened the largest.
   I remember helping my mum make the Christmas dinner and eating it with my aunts and my sisters. There was this one time when I was seven (the most eventful time of my life and the time I managed to damage myself with recklessness the most) when I was in the kitchen and my mum was bringing out the turkey, gravy and all. She had told me to move but the place was overcrowded so the only thing I could do was move forward. I had walked right into the path of the turkey and smacked my head right off the boiling hot tray, gravy came oozing over the side. So, not only was a terribly burn inflicted upon me, but I almost killed our turkey in the process. (Note from The Editor: despite it being dead already.) My mum seemed more concerned about the turkey than me.
   Lately, things have changed. My brother has decided that he will never eat chicken or any other kind of bird again, which kind of ruins our dinner. Everyone tells us what our presents are, so that spoils the surprise of it. A lot of people I know are getting TVs and iPhones for their Christmas. What happened to dolls and games?
   As people grow older it seems that Christmas is disappearing. Even I am beginning to feel it. Nowadays, it seems that Christmas is just another day in the year in which you get presents and a big dinner. No one cares to think of its origins and no one thinks of spending time with the family. They would much prefer to talk to people on their phone or hang out with their friends and get drunk.
   Christmas is dying and only we can save it. I'm giving you all a challenge. Spend time with your family at Christmas. Don't turn on the computer and don't talk to people on your phone. Be grateful for what you have, even if it is socks. Hell, go to church and sing carols. Do anything possible to avoid getting caught up in the commercial frenzy. And most of all, enjoy it. Enjoy every aspect of Christmas like I do. Don't see giving presents as a nuisance, you're making someone happy.

This will probably be my last post before Christmas, so Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Signing off!

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