Tuesday 13 December 2011

Death in Paradise, Episode Seven - An Episode Review

Wow. Another week has flown by, and I almost forgot to write this review. We wouldn't want our beloved Death in Paradise reviews going down the drain like the poor Merlin reviews. (Sniff. I miss Merlin, but not enough to make an effort to bring him back in our reviews. Maybe.)

Episode image for Episode 7
You should know who these guys are by now, but I'll tell you anyway. From left to right: DI Richard Poole and Camille. And tree in the background.

This time round, a singer in a local group has been murdered just as he chooses to make a dramatic return to the stage. Ironically, he's murdered while lying in a coffin. Supposedly he committed suicide, but Richard's not convinced. Camille just thinks he wants the case to be more complicated than it is. Then evidence comes to light that reveals that he was, in fact, murdered.
   Of course, not much is as it seems. Soon, Richard must face the music (terrible pun, sorry 'bout that) and listen to what he might describe as bad beats if he had that sort of sense. Now he has a distraught daughter (not his, you daft folk), a rather annoyed load of band members and a snake on his hands...

This episode is a rather funny one in several respects. First of all, we find that Richard has a certain phobia, which is made use of throughout the episode to a comic effect. There's a raucously funny scene in which Camille is a little bit mean in order to get some laughs. I particularly enjoyed that part. It's the first time I've ever seen Richard look truly scared.
   The plot is an interesting one. A murdered singer revealed as a corpse onstage in a rather bad moment that is an error of judgement on the part of the killer is an interesting idea and certainly undeniably murder, or in this case, supposed suicide. Premature death, let's say. Anyway, his entrance is rather the thing to talk about, and makes for an interesting investigation. It's an alright plot, but not as good as previous ones I have seen and heard of.
   Actually, that's pretty much all there is to say. I can't find much more.

All in all, not brillinat, but interesting all the same. The plot was cool, but there wasn't enough evidence available for a viewer to draw his/her own conclusion via accepting particular evidence samples. There was very little of that. This sort of thing annoys me most greatly.
   So it is that i shall rate this episode 6.5 on the right scale of awesome-omity. Don't argue; my word is final. That is, if The Editor doesn't disagree. Heheheh. Better not annoy him, huh?
   The last episode is on TONIGHT (Tuesday 13/12/2011), so watch it after this one.

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