Tuesday 20 December 2011

Rinrei's Rants - No. 3

I see myself as someone who has this great ability to keep back their anger in real life (but not online, though). I hold back whatever murderous intentions I have and focus on other things such as prelim results. But even I have my limit. I can sit back and watch people call me names and embarrass me in public for hours so long as I haven't got a pencil or pen nearby.
   Anyway, as I said, even I have my limits. Especially when it comes to others ruining our fun. This particular quality came to light during a recent confrontation. This incident happened a few days ago between my friends and I. Now, there is always one person in a group that nobody likes. We all have that person in that group. We keep them there to hate their guts. Our hobby when that person is not around is to cut them down. My group also has that person. We shall call him Beaver, for now.
   Everywhere we go, he somehow gets there. We don't tell him where we're going and he's still there. He'll do that OMG-I-just-found-you run thing. I don't like him. My friends don't like him. We just don't like him.
   Anyway, back to the subject at hand (whatever that is). We had this awesome ice slide where we were sitting and generally just sliding around on. Hyper, our most active member, was bolting down the ice doing handstands and the such. Anyway, Beaver was annoyed with us because he wanted the slide all for himself so he could show off how it only belonged to him. (He actually hinted at this. His own words were: "I found it first.")
   First, he sat right in the middle of this slide. We ignored him and continued to slide down the slide. I finally came up with an idea to remove this nuisance. Evil, Hyper and I ganged up on Beaver and slid into him, forcing him off the slide.
   At this he was furious. He got up and claimed he was going to the authorities to say we were bullying him. After watching him disappear into the building, we decided that we would enjoy whatever freedom we had left and slid down the slide doing crazy stunts like back flips.
   He came storming back with a cup of hot chocolate. We questioned him on what he would do with said cup, and he answered us rather promptly. He walked up to the slide and poured the hot chocolate down it. Hyper and I tried to get rid of the hot chocolate but it was in vain. He laughed at our attempts and poured the rest of the hot chocolate down the slide.
   We eventually shoved this complete spoilsport out of the way and slid down the hot chocolate, so the results weren't too bad. I was more annoyed by his attitude. He waschildish and spoilt. Why does he insist on ruining our fun? He thinks that if it does not belong to him then no one can use it. In his mind, everything he touches belongs to him and therefore no one else can have it. You can have nothing if he gives you no permission and even then he will suddenly decide that you can't have it. He hates you having things. You can not have things; he has to have it all. That peeves me. I have punched him several times because of this attitude. Cocky little creature thinks he can look down on us and expects us to worship him like some kind of god? He thinks that with an attitude like THAT we will like him? He thinks that claiming everything belongs to you and looking down on everyone will get you friends? NO! WE WILL SPEND OUR TIME INSULTING YOU WHEN YOU ARE NOT AROUND! We will hate you. Expect nothing else. We will just hate you. That's the end of it.

Anyway, rant over.
   I'm signing off before I kill something!
   Rinrei out!

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