Saturday 10 December 2011

The WriMo Journals - Part Three

It's morning, so I have plenty of time to do this. (So Professor, stop sending messages to my Inbox which already has a hundred messages in it.) Anyway... from where we last left off.

Pisces takes a moment to turn into a Buddhist monk as I investigate the reason for the birds silence.

After having an interesting conversation with the silent bird, I return to my seat and claim two sweets from Pisces' bag. This is frowned upon by Pisces and this is shown by the removal of the precious bag of sweets. As a result, I take my revenge by stealing a cookie he was planning on eating. Skald's Godsister comes in and begins to question our purposes. We give her roughly five options to choose from; all of which are correct. She takes a seat on the sofa as she watches Skald and Pisces' arguing about Skald's ability to catch up to Pisces' word count so quickly. I know very well why he is catching up so quickly, as not only is he listening to inspiring music but he is using all of his fingers to type instead of two. I join Skald's Godsister in watching this argument.

Skald's Godsister leaves, just as Pisces stands up and attempts to suck in dust particles in the distance. In order to get him to settle down we decide to say we have slowed time for him to be able to write faster than Skald. With this thought in mind, Pisces decides that he shall send back his future self in the future and enter Skald's home with an army of people who are also him, and then give Skald a black eye. This conversation never ends but, in fact, gets mixed up with all of our other conversations.

I pause to crawl on the ground as Skald and Pisces begin to talk about their unusual hair styles. As a result of me humming 'I Wave My Hair Back and Forth' we all get into a competition of shaking our hair commenting on how Skald looks like a girl without his glasses on before being forced to write, yet again. Only half an hour has passed since I last checked the time.

I get bored of my chair and decide the floor is much more comfortable to sit and read on. Skald and Pisces question my location. I quickly direct them into a conversation about aeroplane seats and leather sofas then proceed to watch the conversation develop.

A few minutes pass of this unusual conversation before I silence them and make them write yet again. I do this by taking my old seat again and glaring at them with my visible eye. Pisces briefly rolls his head against the keyboard before writing again. I comment on his writing as his official editor (although I could never do the grammar), knowing that my skills will leave him with fewer words and leave even less space between the amount of words Skald and he had written. I relish seeing his reaction. I lean over his shoulder and check the time; it's 3.40 PM.

As Writer's Block kicks in again I start a conversation about the appearance of The Fifth Day (you would have to have read earlier posts to understand this). So far, Pisces and I have decided it is a clown with a revolver gun, a Viking hat and long hair (reference to Skald, who has been the main individual forcing us to write), which shall comment on how Pisces has not got enough words and how Skald could change regions so he could do less work. Pisces comments on how I would be standing next to this clown laughing at their suffering. In a desperate attempt to defend himself from the madness that is Writer's Block, Pisces steals the Viking hat to reveal my sleep deprived eyes and grudge hair. I quickly take the hat back.

We talk about brilliant endings for our stories, which brings us into giggling fits of true madness. Then, we talk about words that are not real which we could place in our NaNoWriMo stories. The WriMo Dragons give us accusing looks as they frowns upon these thoughts. I take a sweet just to spite it.

As my partners proceed to do a word count again, we think about our reasons for distracting Skald from his writing. The Viking hat completely covers the upper part of my face as Skald's Godsister comes in and spots me out of the corner of her eye. I am official claimed the most mentally disturbed of the group due to my wearing Pisces' Viking hat.

Pisces asks my opinion on a particularly gruesome moment in the story, but since I am used to gore and horror, I fail to notice what could possible be wrong with the story. With my opinion being useless, he tries to talk to Skald. Skald ignores him completely. Due to his lack of comments, Pisces writes gibberish on the computer instead. I come to realize that all communication between Skald and Pisces has been severed as they reach their final hour. This leaves me chuckling in the corner, adding to Pisces' presumption that I may, in fact, be The Final Day in physical form.

Pisces blows the sweet wrappers across the table as Skald's Godsister comes in again, this time going to the door to collect two of her clones. Skald is disappointed as he presumed it was Pisces' future self come to punch him. I laugh some more. As the clones come in they locate us. We become their targets. It's even more frightening when they all look at you to make you feel the the terror contained within their soulless eyes of doom.

Pisces begins to type his own morbid thoughts onto the computer. These thoughts involve shoving the WriMo Dragon down his throat. Skald takes a moment to enter the kitchen. Apparently, he is less welcome in his house than I. While he is away Pisces and I begin to talk about Star Wars, again.

We then begin to talk about the horror of an enemy's story, whom we shall call 'President' for now. We begin to make snarky and cruel comments about the story; I have claimed the reward for having the most evil comments. After this, my companions begin to write again. I take my spot on the floor and begin to read.

After reading, I take my seat and crack some bones. Pisces' hat is stolen and moved around the table. Penguins are mentioned often as I attempt to steal another sweet and fail miserably. We give the evil children of doom nightmares with our talks on the truth about Viking hats and what the WriMo Dragons would do if we stopped writing. This is my revenge against the evil children, for I am the only one that can be truly evil.

Pisces talks about one of his dreams in which he was battling an enemy of incredibly short stature with a scalpel; another sign of what NaNoWriMo has done to his state of mind. Bats comes downstairs and give me a brief nod of understanding before going into the kitchen.

With a comment about plastic being tasty from Pisces, I shove a penguin down his throat. Bats and the evil children of doom come back into the dining room and target Skald with their soul-devouring questions of death. According to information released by Bats, he has less time than Pisces because he has to press a button at the Church soon. He is very stressed about this and yells a lot. He later reveals that he plans to type his story onto the Church computer. This is enough to frighten the evil children of doom. They walk out of the room.

Pisces and I go into the living room to teach the bird how to sing. In fact, he sings worse now. That would be my fault. As we come back, Skald shows Pisces a YouTube video. I sit down and write of the current events.

Soon enough, nuclear wars come into discussion. I claim that I have nothing to fear as I have already created a nuclear war bunker. There are only two penguins left on the plate and only forty minutes until our time is up.

Skald goes upstairs. While he is upstairs we type on his computer:

Hi Skald, I have possessed your computer. Love Erebus. (This is the very same Erebus as runs the 'Ides of February' website.)
The results were interesting.

Pisces' hat is stolen yet again as he scrapes the upside down horn against the table then puts it back on my head. The evil children of doom are making an evil gingerbread house in the kitchen, plotting to steal our souls with its enchanting smell. I break the spell by pointing out that it smells like it's been burnt and therefore,save our souls, although I doubt I shall be able to protect us next time they cast an evil spell of death.

We talk about books again. The conversation does not last long, as Writer's Block proceeds to attack Pisces again and he takes the hat back. I am immune to the relentless beating of Writer's Block and proceed to beat him up instead.
As the results of the failed experiment enter the room, we begin to talk about food and women's names. I take the hat and the Writer's Block regains all its previous strength and beats Pisces until he is bashing his head against the computer. I force the hat back onto his head then have another mental battle with the Writer's Block. It attempts to claim Skald as its new target, but Skald has blocked it out with music. The Writer's Block goes out the window to prevent us from having the snow we so desperately need. I pick up my cup as a weapon in case the Writer's Block is foolish enough to come back again.

The evil children of doom come in again, this time with a new plan in mind. They attempt to steal our WriMo Dragons in order to possess them with evil spirits, but Skald battles them with interesting comments before sneaking them out of their hands without them realising. With a final look at me, they leave. I know they will be after me next.

Pisces slips his head onto the desk, so I do him a favour and force the helmet painfully onto his head before he experiences the delusions of the WriMo Dragon talking to him. The Writer's Block stands behind him talking in a high pitched voice. I punch the Writer's Block in the face and force Pisces back to work. We only have twenty minutes left before we are freed.

Leaving Pisces to battle the Writer's Block on his own, I call my Mum. I claim a penguin and begin to pack my bag. I show the Writer's Block the inside, then snap the bag shut. It attempts to fight it's way out, but I keep the bag shut. This bag already has a demon inside it. They should be happy together.
With Pisces not knowing what I have done for him, I bid him adieu and leave. I talk about the day's events with my mother as we leave the caution zone. I spend the rest of the night wondering about the fate of my companions. I keep the lid shut on the Writer's Block.

The next day I find out that both of my friends have finished their NaNoWriMo novels. As I return home, I open the lid on the Writer's Block to allow it to bring its chaos back to the world. It seems it has taken to me, as every time I write it battles against me. Even as I write this I am in the middle of a battle with the Writer's Block, which has reverted to a tiny form. I can never be beaten by Writer's Block; he shall have to wait until next year before he is capable of causing any damage.

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