Saturday 10 December 2011

Editing Eternal - The Eternal Editor

There's been a lot of stuff flying across the blog recently talking about the new member that I've been thinking about hiring. Well, I say hire. I actually mean force into the madness that is 'A Whole Different Kettle of Fish'.
   Yep, you all know what's coming next. We have yet another new member.
   The Eternal Editor has joined myself, Matt, Evil Mistress of Cliffhangers and Rinrei as authors of the blog, although you shouldn't really expect many posts from him. This is due to the fact that he's just here to edit out the majority of errors that occur in everyone else's posts. However, providing he does his job properly, I may just allow him to have his very own column.
   I'm sure that The Editor shall keep this blog running as well as is humanly possible. I've handed The Editor administration priveleges, which basically means he can do whatever he wants on the site. I'm trusting him to only do what's necessary and to stick to his duties most strictly.
   Let's give our newest member a big, warm welcome! Ladies and gentlemen, The Eternal Editor!
   The Eternal Editor's profile will be appearing on the 'About the Kettle' page very soon indeed. If I don't write it, he will instead. Alas, The Editor isn't the most creative soul. He just cleans up the mess that is the residue of creativity.
   Anyway, that's The Eternal Editor. Best of luck to you, Editor, because I'm pretty sure that Rinrei already doesn't like you and is going to make a point of putting the maximum number of mistakes in all her posts. I do not envy your appointed task.
   Regards, Professor Pisces

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