Sunday 11 December 2011

Rinrei's Rants - No. 1

I don't take myself seriously. I really should, but I don't.
That is what makes life fun. I can break as many rules as I please and not feel any guilt or remorse. This is shown throughout my art and my writing. Even as you read this, you are seeing the many errors of my writing skill. I don't mind though... in fact, I enjoy it.
If I want to draw a space cowboy with hot pants and a machine gun then, sure as heck, I will draw a space cowboy with hot pants and a machine gun. Some people frown upon my randomness and take time to make sure it's dulled down. This is good for the audience and good for me as I need to keep up a good reputation.
However, I have also been known for being a critic. If you had read my post to do with a certain 'story', you would see my skills for being a critic. I could care less about the grammar, though. I'm no gifted writer. I just write for the sake of writing.
Lately, I have been given the orders to review certain stories and review them I do. No names shall be mentioned and no fingers shall be pointed, but some stories are bad. Just bad. I cling onto my mouse for dear life as I am forced to read chapter after chapter of badly written stories with only four sentences throughout ten pages.
To those of you that are in the Writer's Group (you all know who you are), you will know what I am talking about. I am fine with gay marriages and relationships; I always have been. But this story was so bad that it made me what to massacre every gay couple within a ten mile radius of me!
Not only was the grammar so bad that it made me want to strangle myself with a skipping rope, oh no, the main characterswas a Mary-Sue. Mary-Sue (for those of you who don't know) is a character that is so unbelievably perfect and fake that it would make Chuck Norris cry. Usually they are given a whole lot of useless description about how perfect and beautiful they are. They are given no faults and they have everyone dropping at their feet. They also end up sleeping with every character in the story. All the characters love them and if their lover ends up more interested in someone else, then that person is brutally killed. They are what all beginner writers start with. More experienced writers are forced to tell them of the horrors of having a Mary-Sue in their story and what it will do to their story.
Anyway, this horror had both a Mary-Sue and grammar so bad that not even The Eternal Editor would be able to make it good. There was no sense of time and one paragraph took an entire page. While my dear friend, Skald, proceeded to torture me with this horror, I was stabbing a pen furiously into my paper pad; destroying my amazing story in the process.
Professor Pisces is a better person to speak to about this story, because after the second page I had run out of the room screaming about how much I hated that story.
So, please, if you are ever going to write anything please fix the obvious errors so people are not forced to endure bad grammar and endless paragraphs.
I might appear to be useless when it comes to observing stories as I have little talent in creating such things without doing something stupid to the story, but I can sense when something is amiss. Don't go saying how your character isn't perfect because she's something on the outside but something else on the inside. No. Just no. No one likes a 'physically strong, mentally weak, long-haired beauty'; none of us need all that detail again and again. If you want your character to be good, make her physically weak (ie. she has a club foot) and mentally strong. Also, don't make every character in the story fall in love with them! Another hint to those who still think their character is perfectly fine, having rainbow-coloured hair and pink eyes is neither natural nor pretty.
Having a natural hair and eye colour is fine, and just saying the colour is fine too, but don't push it. Just because they have green eyes, doesn't give you a right to call them 'emeralds'. Hate to stick it to you painfully, but no one needs to hear your poetic skills in a book. If they wanted poetic terms then they would have picked up a book of poems. Your story does not revolve around how perfect or gifted your character is. Think about it. Pick up a good book and see how it's really done!

Anyway, that's my rant over.
Signing off,

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