Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year

Hola, como estas, Happy New Year and all that stuff. I'm in a funny mood today. Tee hee.
   Anyhow, as I have already said and shall now say again, a happy new year to you all. Yes, I am aware that this is December 31st, not January 1st, but to the cupboard under the stairs with all that. I'm saying it now so I don't have to say it later. I'm sure you won't read this until it's too late anyway.
   If you really want to know why I'm acting like this, read the next post. You'll see why soon enough. That's assuming I can both muster the strength to blog a little more and remember what I'm writing while I write it.
   I'm away. Good tidings to you for the new year. Make a resolution, hug a tree, eat a keyboard or something. I don't have the strength to care right now. Just remember that the end of the world is approaching. Sure enough, it always is, I suppose, but this one's predicted to occur on the 21st December 2012 or thereabouts. Enjoy the Doomsday Party. Send me a slice of cake.

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