Monday 16 July 2012


Hi all, I'm Dragon. I'm here to eat your SOULS!

No, wait, that was Pisces. Dafty., I am borrowing his computer to write this though as my computer would have a fit. I am really here to confuse you all. (And eat your SOULS!) Have I succeeded?

Now you have to reply to say that you are confused. Surrender your sanity or your souls. They both taste quite good with ketchup. Or beans. Or on toast. But not with charcoal; no. Nothing tastes good with charcoal. Bleugh.

N.B. I would just like to point out that that really was Dragon just there, not my mind being crazy again. Unless my fellows have taken over my sight and are causing me to hallucinate. Hm... Tim, why are you dancing on my optic nerve?


Unknown said...

Definitely confused!

Rinrei said...

Well, there goes whatever sanity I was just keeping for work. Welcome Dragon, I am currently re-drawing a dragon!