Wednesday 4 July 2012

When One is Bored

Being who I am, I get bored easily and I have no intention of changing this state (because it involves effort). Today was one of those days when I just wandered around the house doing nothing much, rummaging through the cupboards (you'd be amazed at what strange creatures you'd find in there; we now have a mouse called Charles), when I came to discover something interesting (this was after I gave up looking for equipment to turn my brother into a zombie, that will be for another time).

Indeed, a lovely friend of mine, who prefers to go by the name of Grelle, demanded that I get a Tumblr account. She had been threatening me with pictures that psychologically disturb most sane (and insane) individuals. After being pushed to the limit, I kicked over a nearby table and threw a giant lump of clay at the nearest wall (except I didn't) and searched for this 'Tumblr'. I had no idea that I already had one. When did this happen?! How come I don't remember!? Who wiped my memory!? All these questions ran through my mind (along with random ones like: Does 3+3 equal poptart?) as I looked through my Tumblr account. I questioned my friend, threatened her with the nearest object (which happened to be a sausage roll) and found out I made a blog long ago.

It should be more concerning that it was Xiaolin Showdown that got me to find this Tumblr account, because the truth is that I was never pushed to the limit (if I was, everyone would be dead) and I just goofed off after hearing that Xiaolin Showdown was making a new series. Naturally, I posted about it on the post. And for once, everything written in this post is true. Except it isn't. The dog never turned around to stare at me because she was asleep in the living room. This is what I wrote:

Well, I was in one of those moods where I wanted to read the profile of the creator of Xiaolin Showdown. There was no reason to it, I just suddenly burst out with: I MUST GO READ PROFILES! Because I’m awesome like that.

Anyway, upon searching her profile on Wikipedia, I discovered that she was planning on adding a new season to Xiaolin Showdown in which I scream (rather loudly, I must add): WHERE IS THAT TRAILER!? I scanned the internet for what appeared to be hours (it was, in fact, hours) until false claims made my eyes extremely twitchy and I made strange high-pitched noises that made the dog turn around.

In the end, I was clutching at my face with me making exaggerated and generally insane gestures before falling to the ground and ultimately dying. Good news is that I came back to life upon discovering that someone created a profile here in which Chase Young would answer questions. It was so funny I fell to the ground and died again. 

They’re an awesome drawer too. A drawer in both ways. All hail the drawer. Well, with my sanity well and truly gone with my inability to find the trailer I so desperately crave, I’m off to go kill some raging dragons. You see, we have tons of them up here in Northern Scotland. It’s why our cows are always running away. Damn dragons messing with our cows. (Grumble, grumble.)

Signing off!


Professor Pisces said...

Hey! Leave off dragons. Dragons are the best and you should leave them to be. Or are you forgetting my particular attachment to these creatures?

Rinrei said...

There is a specific reason for my false hatred of dragons in this specific post, but I'm a lazy bugger so I shall not tell you.