Friday 13 July 2012

You Know You're A Writer When...

You know you're a writer when:
  • You have to write everyday or you feel guilty.
  • You eat cheese 'in the name of science', but you're really after the free radicals in that semisolid mass.
  • You realise that you're carrying around a notebook specifically so that you can write down snippets of dialogue when you come across them - awkward in conversation.
  • You realise that the family dog has become the antagonist of your latest fantasy epic.
  • You find that you're miles ahead of everyone in terms of quality of writing in your English class.
  • You read a book and think "I've done better than that."
  • You start to think that maybe volcanoes aren't such a great plot device when air travel gets interrupted...

1 comment:

Rinrei said...

Oh yes, I'm definitely suffering these, except for the cheese one. We don't have any cheese in the house right now.