Sunday 22 April 2012

Definition of the Day - Teacher

We all remember our school teachers, instructors, lecturers and what have you. However, very few of them were people that any of us pupils actually liked. Correct? Of course I am. Think about it for a second. If your answer remains as 'No, I think otherwise', then you're simply a bit weird.

This is not to say that instructors don't have their merits, nor that they are all horrible old people with a tendency to shout, or go off on rants about how tractors have changed over the past five decades. This is simply a generalization that I intend to force on every one of you. Because I'm like that.

So, to the purpose of this article: the definition.

Teacher (noun) - Person with a superiority complex that specialises in a particular area, usually obscure or redundant in the modern world.

Face it: I'm right. If you are a so-called 'teacher' and don't fit the above description, then you are now jobless. You cannot be a teacher/instructor/bureaucratic old man if you do not fill those categories. Which, I suppose, makes me a teacher. Drat.

Until some other time, I bid you adieu!

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