Tuesday 24 April 2012

Email Madness - What the Frack?

This is unusual. Sinister, even. And it's annoying me.

So I get home - always the highlight of my day, I'm sure - and kick off my shoes and boot up the good old PC. Having a slight tendency to over-organize things, I fall into my daily routine: get home, boot up computer, check emails, sleep, work, blog. So far one and two on that list are ticked off: now to open my mail.

So doing so, what do I find but no less than thirty-two emails from the same person: Professor Pisces. These thirty-two emails are all pretty much the same, and each contains an incredibly disturbing image of what appears to be Andross crossed with Claude Monet, the famous artist. each picture is labelled with the caption: 'Look into the face of Professor Andross Monet'. Disturbing.

So now I'm wondering, "What the fracking frakketty frack is going frackin' on here?" Finally reaching the top message in my inbox, I recognise it to be another Pisces-authored message. I sigh, open it and expect to be scared to death by the scariest doctored photograph that I have ever seen (not posting it - I'd scare everyone off). Instead, I am faced with the following message:

This is a notice to say that you are, in the simplest of terms, a silly being. You shall now be pointlessly harassed because, believe it or not, I took a dare from Bill. With apologies in mind, Professor Pisces.

I am now somewhat confused. Is this a challenge? A joke? Or a lie? Well, I'm taking it as a faintly irritating joke and will now enact a war. Prepare to be bombed, Pisces - I shall prevail, just you see.

A confused but amused Editor, signing out.

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