Tuesday 17 April 2012

Only a Little Dead

Almost unreasonably, I have been forced to post, but there was no torture involved, so don't bother reporting Pisceries to the police. I kid of course, except about the unreasonable part.

Rather than being left as a wonderful hadrosaur, with the addition of this post, I am stuck as the scourge that defiles the household of many - the hamster. They don't even eat babies.

Anywarm beverage, since the comparison of the team to various implements is now all the rage, I decided to add my contribution. So, here we have it: the comparison of all blog members to certain fruit and vegetables.

*           *          *
First and foremostly, we have our hairful Pisceron. Well, I should refer to him as the former hairful Pisceron. The removal of several of his scalpular strands has resulted in an almost, but not quite obsolete comparison with...

...The humble cauliflower.
If you knew him, you would understand.

Since I can't be bothered to make comparisons for the rest of the team (except that EMoC is a potato), you will have to make do with cauliflowerpisces. Goodbye.

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