Tuesday 3 April 2012

How to create a good FMA story CHAPTER FOUR: Envy is...

Now, Envy is also a surprisingly complex character, no matter how violent or mean he may act. He has a mix of emotions, sometimes he's happy (although, mainly for the wrong reasons.) and sometimes he's upset (although I only saw this happen once, and it was rather upsetting for me too.)
Some writers think of him as two-dimensional and often alter his personality (much like Ed.) for their characters needs.
Below (like Chapter Three.) are the main things that people often decide to do with poor Envy (If he existed, he would have just killed me, by the way.)
1. Envy is in a relationship with Lust
2. Envy is in a relationship with Greed
3. Envy is in a relationship with Wrath (first anime)
4. Envy just raped your character
5. Envy is in a relationship with Winry
6. Envy is in a relationship with Ed
7. Envy is a girl
8. Envy came back to life!!! P:
1. For a start, they are siblings. Second of all, he really doesn't like his siblings very much. Do you see him crying and all that when Lust dies? No. Lust may be well...lust, but Envy could care less about that. He has other things to worry about, plus he would probably feel very weird about it later; he just did it with his sister.
2. From what we could tell from the brief moment Greed met Envy, they don't get along very well. Envy looks as though he wants to shove his hand down Greed's throat and rip out his vocal cords. Obviously, it is unlikely that they would suddenly get along and start dating each other. If anything, they will work together but not talk to each other and still somehow manage to almost tear each other to pieces.
3. In the first season, we can tell he finds the kid irritating and he is less than hesitant to start beating the crap out of him when he bugs her. This sucks for all incest fans, but that's the way it is. They aren't going to get it on because Envy hated Wrath and Wrath is too interested in getting his mommys attention.
4. No, just no. I shall simply start by saying that he finds humans gross and irritating and he hates being with a certain radius of them for too long. Basically, he no be liking your character. He will probably just straight out kill her/him and leave it at that.
5. For a start, have they even met? I haven't found any evidence of them meeting yet, but he is most likely to have found her as disgusting as all other humans. It is extremely unlikely that he will do anything other than kill or torture her.
6. NO! He hates Ed, even to the bitter end. If anyone has seen the whole Manga then you will know that when he came barging in on Ed telling him to hurry up and he found him half naked, he freaked out because he found it disgusting. They aren't going to get it on no matter how hard you try. They both hate each other.
7. Well, Envy has no official gender. Envy is simply referred to as a 'he' in the dubbed series because it makes life easy and calling Envy an it is extremely rude. Envy can change form so he could change into a girl, but he prefers to be a palm tree.
8. Sorry, but when your dead, your dead. Envy is no exception. He got rid of his philosphers stone while he was at his weakest because he wanted to die. It's going to stay that way, sadly. Even if Father somehow made it and created a new Envy, it would be a whole different character and not look the same as our current (and dead) Envy.
While Envy is certainly complicated as a character, he does have some characteristics that will always stay with him.
-He is jealous of humans and thus hates them with a passion: He isn't ever going to fall in love with anyone.
-He hates being insulted: Basically, if any characters call him something like palm tree expect instant death.
That's all for now since I'm tired.

Rinrei is fully capable of posting up multiple things at the same time since she's a quick writer. Now I want a sweet otherwise I will refuse to write.

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