Tuesday 3 April 2012

Against My Own Rules

I know I said that I was going on holiday, but screw that. I get bored easily and the snow has kept me cooped up in my house. Not that I leave very often. It's too bright out there.

Anyway, I heard that the Professor is getting his hair cut. I must say, that's a surprise. I'm going to take a picture and stick it up on YouTube, saying: The most drastic hair cuts ever! Now we just need Skald involved...

ANYWAY! I had a very interesting dream last night that I just cannot ignore, and since I happen to be online, I must post up the idea that has just sprung into my weird and twisted brain. What this dream was about, my good friends, was a dream world. Not the stupid, frilly, childish ones either. Oh no. This was weird.

If you've ever seen 'Spirited Away', then it's sort of like that. If you haven't watch Spirited Away, then watch it. It's a good movie!

Anyway, a group of my friends were also in this dream (Evil, Bats, Skald, Cat and another person I've forgotten) and all looked rather like their real selves, except they were different. For example, I saw myself in the mirror at one point and I was wearing a red helmet and a red leather jacket. Even my hair colour was different. Anyway, my avatar/dream self woke up in a weird glass elevator heading down into a town that looked a bit like Shanghai (I think). In this elevator was Bats and another person who I just remembered and I shall call Yellow, since I only remember the yellow scarf she wore on Friday. Bats, not surprisingly, had bat wings and, rather more surprisingly, had purple hair.

Now I have no idea what we were supposed to do in this weird little world, but I knew that I had previously died a lot, and when I die I end up back in that damned elevator. I also learned that we could earn 'money'. We had identity cards that worked like credit cards, but if we lost it or it was destroyed then our 'real self' would never wake up. What a lovely thought to have in the middle of a dream.

Anyway, I was wandering around in this dream, testing out food (which is naturally the sort of thing I do in dreams, since I'm greedy) while looking for Cat and Evil. Since this is a dream, it's blurred, but I remember we found them at some sort of shop (I think that just outside of it there was a large market and behind the market was anarena thing; I'm not sure, it was a weird dream) when a man in a giant elephant costume attacked us. He removed the head of the costume to reveal that it was none other than Skald. From here on out, I think we got into an epic battle and I died, killing him at the same time. Which reminds me of the whole knee incident, since he concluded that we both died then.

That was one heck of an illogical post, but hell if I care. I need to put this somewhere so I remember it. I like these sorts of dreams.


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