Tuesday 3 April 2012

How to Create a Good Fullmetal Alchemist Story, Chapter Two - Character

Creating a character is usually the funnest part of writing a story for me. What will they look like? What is their personality? What are they good at? I love answering these questions and coming up with the most original and eccentric characters. However, I also have to be realistic with these characters of mine. Sure, you can make them super gifted at alchemy and have a great figure, but what would be the point?

Good and believable characters come with faults. You can make your character pretty and good at alchemy, but they need something equally bad to keep them realistic. Maybe they have to work really hard on their appearance and are extremely self-conscious. Maybe they are evil and greedy and use their looks to get whatever they want.

Look at real people. Everyone has major faults. I look at myself and see that even though I am pretty good in class, but I always have to have the last word and my voice is extremely irritating.

Faults are real. This is why some stories are ignored. People fail to make faults in their characters. These are otherwise known as Mary-Sues: They are so unbelievably perfect and beautiful that the readers just cannot connect with them.

I shall use an example from one of my former characters. Originally, I gave her a Japanese name and purple hair. She was really smart and gifted, and Ed was in love with her. She died in order to get to the other side of a gate. She also had cat ears and a tail.

Already, I see multiple problems with this character. First of all, Japanese names are not needed. Remember, in the FMA world that most names are German or English, with the exception of 'Xing', where names are Chinese. Give your character a name like 'Elizabeth' or 'Jessie'. Also, don't name your character after an object. It makes your character sound unoriginal.

If your character is an alchemist, then don't give them a ridiculous name like 'The Sparkle Alchemist'. It makes them sound like a pansy. Think about their abilities, but don't make it so obvious that it's annoying.

How old are they exactly? Well, you can't stick them in the military any younger than sixteen. They would have to have a purpose for being there too. They can't have a simple excuse like "I thought it would be fun". The military is strict, and no place for little children. Basically, if they are in the military, they have to be an adult (i.e. over eighteen).

Your character's appearance also matters. Purple hair is not a believable colour. Even if they dyed it, they will not get around easily. Make it a basic colour like blonde or brown; a normal colour.

Also, don't make them look like any of the characters. Don't make them shorter than Edward unless they're younger. Be creative. Maybe they are taller than him, and annoy him about his height. But keep in mind that they have to have a few faults in their appearance too. Maybe they have squinty eyes or they have hips too wide and they hit them against stuff often.

Now, as we all know, FMA has chimeras. These chimeras have different appearances but there is one thing you must keep in mind: They don't have just ears and a tail. Greed's chimeras look almost completely human with only a few physical characteristics of their animal (ie. cat eyes). They also have only a few abilities of their animal (e.g. they have good agility and always land on their feet.) but they also have faults (e.g. they love raw fish and hate dogs.). Then there is the other kind of chimera which Nina turned into. You have to think of these things before you create a chimera character.

Then comes the major part of creating a character: Ed being in love with your character. It is not believable at all. Edward Elric is in love with Winry. He wouldn't just ditch her like that. It is completely out of his character and thus ruins the story. He is in love with Winry and no character you created. You have to keep this in mind no matter what otherwise the whole story goes in turmoil. With all this information in mind, I created a whole new character. Below is the new information on her.

Name: Alice Barker
Age: 19
Personality: She is always out for the best bargain and extremely greedy. She is impulsive and has a foul temper. Despite this, she is always out there for her friends even though it is usually at the wrong moment. She appears dense but she does think things through before she does them. Mostly.
Appearance: Hair- It's to her mid back and usually tied in a plait. It is auburn.
Eyes: Dark blue.
Build: She has a muscular build and her skin is tanned.
Outfit: She usually wears clothes suited for desert weather which is pretty useless in cold weather.She is always wearing a fedora.

With this I create a good character but she stands out among other OCs. Next I just have to create a good plot and history to fit her into.

Any more suggestions you have will be greatly appreciated! Please send them in.

(Note from The Editor: Um... Anyone else thoroughly confused? Firstly, what's FMA? Next, a Chimera is not a human, at least, not in popular mythology. Chimeras in mythology are weird beasts. Here's a picture.

See - not human.

That is all.)

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