Saturday 7 April 2012

No Longer 'Ahead! Ahead!'

Well, a week into Screnzy and I'm already falling behind slightly.

It's Day 7, and I have insofar written 24 pages of original scripted material. Practically a quarter the way through Screnzy already, this puts me in the ideal position of being 0.66666... pages ahead of the Script Frenzy prescribed schedule (3.33333... pages per day, if you're wondering). However, that is not to say that I am achieving my own goals.

A day before the beginning of all this madness, I brought out my diary/yearly planner thing and marked in my page count for each day of Screnzy. Due to my wishing to have several days off, I scheduled myself to write four pages every day in place of 3.333. Writing four pages a day, I figured, meant I would reach the hundredth page on the 25th of April and leave me five days to wrap things up and relax, simply taking over the forums for a while. The only problem with that idea is that you can fall behind rather quickly - as I am just now finding out.

On Thursday, I made the mistake of taking a day off. Admittedly it was a very good day, but it still left me with four extra pages to write in order to catch up. Those four pages are to be caught up with today, though so far I've only managed to meet today's quota. This means I am still four pages behind. It's annoying.

There are now two options available to me: Write all four extra pages today and go to bed very happy, or simply write a few more pages today and I'll fall asleep knowing that I've gotten rid of some of the lag. I'm inclined to go for an amalgam of both. The plan is to write as much as I can and maybe destroy this lead that Screnzy has over me, and if I don't kill it completely, at least I shall have seriously wounded it.

On top of all this, I'm actually going on holiday next week. This particular holiday is one in which I am required to make do with a lack of writing software and an intermittent Internet connection. The problem here is that I shall have nothing to be writing up my pages on, so I'm going to have to make do with old fashioned pen and paper. It's not exactly the worst case scenario, but it's bound to be a pain in the backside. More painful still because I know I'll have to transcribe it from the paper onto the Celtx file that I'm using.

I'm now off to see whether I can solve this paper-to-PDF problem. Don't worry though - I have a plan in place, taken directly from the Script Frenzy forums.

Off to write a page or two more,
   Professor Pisces signing off.

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