Sunday 15 April 2012

The Wacki Jeaver

So anyway, that's the lolidays almost over, and then it's straight into the deep end with exams. Oh my, it's such a shame, considering I can't make sense of my timetable, the Wacki Jeaver must've made it to upset me further.

So anyways, I started a World of Warcraft account. It's awesome, although I can only play it at my friend's house... I blame the Wacki Jeaver. In fact, most bad things are caused by the Jeaver himself. For example, the barber that cut the Professor's hair was none other than the Wacki Jeaver. But enough about him for now. We must now talk about the new Super Smash Bros. game in production for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U. It's going to be brilliant.

Here are some people I'd like to see in it:
  • Bill Grey from the Starfox series.
And that's about it. But knowing my luck, the Wacki Jeaver will see to it that no such thing happens. Because things happen the way they do because that's the way tha- teenyweeniegenie.

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