Sunday 8 April 2012

Depressing Poems

The music! Let it play! Let it haunt your mind, like a curse, like a plague, leeching away at the last drops of life. Watch the fire melt away your memories, your past, the things that mean most to you until there's nothing left but the grey where you shall serve as a slave to the almighty for eternity. You wish that one day the pain will end but it won't, because you're inferior, the child that no one listens to, the one that is constantly hurt and ridiculed until there's nothing left but hatred and sorrow. Let naught stand before his might. For you too shall one day feel the pain forced upon you by the one which you once praised. You shall march under his control to the beat of the drum, the same deathly melody that haunts you every night, poisoning you until the end. Until there is nothing, when you finally find that place you always dreamed of, the illusion of happiness. All feelings and emotions are forgotten, except from the fear which you cannot escape. You'll try to run from it, but it will follow you; you can never hide from it. It lives inside you, it's what keeps you up at night, it's what helps you understand the true horrors of life. The final moment when you finally stare death in the eyes. You plead for another day, a minute, a second of the pain which is life, but he is merciless and takes you away into the blackness.

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