Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Post Below is a Lie.

Pisces has claimed that he has won War 250, but he has just proven himself wrong. First, allow me to start with the most obvious fault. He's actually above 250, as I have checked multiple times how many posts have been counted.

Secondly, his winning post has less than 150 words, which he specifically said had to be the minimum amount of words to count as a post. Basically, even if that was the 250th post, it is not valid because there are not enough words in it.

And don't you dare go saying that those rules do not matter because that means that you are far beyond the 250th post and someone else got it long ago.

Basically, you just broke your own rules and got beaten at your own game. Amen to that, Professor!

And now I am not going to write for up to three months. I've already written enough posts for this month, and now it has no purpose. I'll post up whenever I can be bothered, I don't care for prizes anymore. I'm off.

Ja ne!

P.S - If you do count all the posts that had less that 150 words (i.e. two), then tough luck, Professor. I've worked hard.

Note from Pisces: Ooh, we have a sore loser here. Well done, you've just won the 'sore loser' award.

Rinrei, what did you really expect from me? That I'd let someone else get one over me? No, my friend. When I play, I play to win, and win is what I do. If you wish to complain about what I've written, then speak directly to me instead of having an online tantrum.

Also, what did you think the prize was going to be, anyway? A trophy? A medal? A cake? No, I was simply going to give you a pat on the back, write a post congratulating whoever had won and present them with something in the order of a small chocolate bar.

You do, however, have a point about that wordcount. Therefore, allow me to remedy that. Remember, I can edit my own posts as much as I want, and sneak into yours whenever I please...

And really? Quitting for three months? I'll throw you off this ship that sails if you want. Just say the words.

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