Monday 2 April 2012

This Script Frenzy Madness

Hey, folks. This is The Eternal Editor, he who is eternally bound to edit the posts of the Kettle, speaking to you today.

It has come to my attention that there shall be many posts this month to do with 'Script Frenzy', that event where crazy people write scripts mindlessly. Because I have absolutely no interest in this madness, I'm going on partial strike: I shall not edit anything related to this 'Script Frenzy' insanity. Therefore, Pisces takes centre stage on that one. He can edit all that stuff.

There are several reasons for my strike - several being rational and one being personal - and they are:
  1. I know nothing of Script Frenzy but what I read here. Therefore, as Pisces is both the founder and a partaker in these things, he has extra knowledge concerning whether what is said is correct or not.
  2. I have a reputation of not getting all that many things wrong (though I'm sure someone is just itching to prove me incorrect), and I'm not going to spoil it for a strange Internet challenge thing that takes up a month or so.
  3. I cannot be bothered.
So, there you go, Pisces - have fun with that.

Just to clarify, I am not quitting the blog. I'm simply lessening the workload a bit. So, on you go, Pisces - I believe you now have work to do. Go on, shoo.

Ha ha ha... My revenge is nigh...

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