Sunday 1 April 2012

IMATITLE! (Translation: I am a Title)

This is just my general rambling as I avoid working on my 'Hunger Games' script. From what I've counted on my own, I have ten pages from Chapter One written up, although one never knows. The reason for my hatred of PDFs is obvious: I don't have programs for them.

This basically means that I am trapped waiting for either Skald or my mother to convert it and send it back to me, and even then I am unable to read it. My computer sucks and I want it to blow up (not really, I need my computer). Actually, I only just got the PDF from Skald and it is four pages, which is my daily minimum. I'm going to have to work quickly now.

Did I ever mention that my computer has a life of its own? It does. So does that weird Chinese jumper that comes to life at night and laughs as I snore in my sleep. There's also a ghost in my house that types on my computer. Not that I mind, I just don't like hearing typing in the middle of the night; it makes it very difficult to sleep.

Since that's all I have to say, I'm signing off!

P.S. My new nickname is 'The-Magical-Box-of-Tomatoes Fairy'. Cool.

Note from The Editor: Did anyone else think that made literally NO sense whatsoever? The Hunger Games has already been made into a film, you klutz. And what do you 'never know'? And that PDFs comment came from nowhere, unless you've been reading earlier posts. It's ridiculous.

If this is how you post when the first day isn't even over, then I pity you. You're in for a rough ride...

And a Chinese jumper? As in a Chinese person who jumps up and down, or a sweater-hoodie-item of clothing that was made in China? I don't get this post at all. I'm just going to curl up in the corner and die now...

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