Monday 30 April 2012

A Dirty Limerick

I had to post this somewhere and unfortunately the somewhere was here. I'm certain that The Editor will edit out the bad word, which is good. Anyway, onto the limerick.

(Note from The Editor: Well, that was not a good poem. Which is why I've removed it completely, as Pisces insists that we're to be a family-friendly site. And as I respect Pisces, even after the 'Andross Monet' incident, I'll keep to that. So goodbye. Rinrei can be as annoyed as she wants - I'm not having dirty limericks sitting around on my watch.)

That's all!

(Note from The Editor: Yes, that is all.)


(Which is why I, Rinrei, have modified it to make it a non-dirty limerick.)

There once was a woman from Peru
who filled her  house up with glue.
She said with a grin
that if they paid to get in.
They'll pay to get out of it too.

See, simple changes. Perverts might known what the original was, but don't go putting it in the comments. I'm breaking enough rules by modifying this now.

Signing off again!


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