Saturday 14 April 2012

When You're In Your Own Script...

I've been writing for nearly fifteen days straight now, and I'm already on 60 pages. I'm feeling pretty good about the page count, but I'm beginning to seriously doubt that I still own a shred of sanity. How did I come to this conclusion? Well, I'll tell you.

A couple of days back, I introduced a new character into the story. He's an academic, arrogant man with hair that appears to grow outwards rather than down the way. He's also very smart and has a high self esteem. Condescending, he doesn't get on with that many people very well. This was my new character: A government researcher/scientist working on a temporal gate in the middle of Tower Bridge.

Several pages after creation, I realized something. The character's name was Professor Pisces.

Unfortunately for me, I appear to have written myself into my own script; my own TV series. Unusually, I managed to give him my personality, too, which is probably why I find him so easy to write, if you catch my drift. So somehow, without actually noticing, I have insinuated myself into a TV series focusing on the terrors of time travel. Wow.

I'm simply wondering if I'm mad, unlucky or that my subconscious mind is working against me. Maybe I should get some more sleep...

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