Tuesday 3 April 2012

How to create a good FMA story CHAPTER THREE: Edward Elric is...

Edward Elric is a complex character, I won't deny that much. Like real life people he acts differently towards different people, although he always seems to keep his foul temper.
Some writers alter him for their own needs and sometimes they are pretty good at it. But Edward is his own person and you can't force someone to change for the sake of a story line.
Sometimes writers alter him beyond recognisation, which basically means you just killed him. Some writers make him a romantic and all gooey gooey love love.
You have to remember how he proposed to Winry in the end of FMA Brotherhood; he was practically hopeless.
Also, people tend to give him different jobs or abilities sometimes. Some people even go as far as to turn him into things like a chimera, a cat and even a homunculi. He is human and no amount of alchemy can alter that.
Below is a list of things that I have seen readers change about Edward Elric. Soon I shall explain why these are bad.
1. A music sensualist
2. The 'hottest guy in school'
3. A gangster
4. A homunculi
5. A cat
6. A chimera
7. Roy's boyfriend.
8. Alphonse's boyfriend.
1. For a start, Edward probably can't even play music. He's been too focused on training in alchemy. Some people say: Oh it just happened and he ended up being brilliant. He doesn't sing. Even if it was for Valentines day for Winry, he wouldn't have the guts to go singing or playing music. He'd probably be too embarrassed. He does alchemy, not music.
2. For a start, he doesn't even go to school. He's part of the military, not school. Even in a AU universe, people don't go dropping on him. Although some people think he's hot in this world, he looks too short and childish in the FMA world. To the FMA people he looks like he's twelve and it's only later on that he starts maturing in appearance. Remember that not all the characters are begging him to marry them. That would just be a weird series. REMEMBER THIS!
3. To put it lightly, he's on the side of the law. Sure, he often makes their life difficult and causes damage wherever he goes but he is still in the military and he does NOT want to get on their bad side. Basically, gangster no work out.
4. For a start, this can cause a serious mind screw for devoted fans of the show. If you are referring to it as the brotherhood series then this obviously does not work because only Father can create homunculi and even though Pride tried to use Ed as a vessel, it didn't work. People use the homunculi thing as an excuse to alter Ed's personality for their own needs. Plus, how would others react to all this? The military covers all tracks and if they have to kill Ed then they will. Basically, Ed's life would be short and pointless if you made him a homunculi.
5. I never understand why people turn Ed into a cat. First of all, how? Secondly, why? Thirdly, what? This is not possible in the FMA world and if you think some lame ass alchemy or a witch can do it then think again. This just does not work under the rules of FMA or alchemy.
6. This is slightly possible although I still dislike it. While it is a good idea, people go back to the cat ears and tail thing. Some people even use this as an excuse to get him together with Roy and that. It just doesn't work. You CAN use this in an AU universe but you would have to follow the chimera instructions before and then you would have to come up with an excuse for why he ended up like this and a whole different story plot. Basically, you'd be giving yourself more homework than needed.
7. For a start, Edward is not gay. No matter how you look at it, he hates Roy. Their relationship is anything but lovey dovey. If you really want to give them a relationship of any sorts then they are like brothers with Roy being the annoying older brother than Ed never wanted. Think about it. You don't see them going all gooey eyed over each other in the show, do you?
8. This is the one I hate the most. EDWARD IS NOT INCESTIOUS! While I'm checking out fanfics online, I find out that a large majority of them are EDxAl which just disgusts me. THEY ARE BROTHERS! Sure, they care for each other and look out for each other, BUT NOT IN THAT KIND OF WAY! How the hell do you think Edward would react if he found out people were writing about him and Al like that? Obviously, he would be disgusted too. They are loyal brothers that look out for each other, that is all.
You also have to remember that Edward loves only Winry. No character you create can alter that, even in an AU, it is a major part of his personality even if it does not look it. You have to remember the key characteristics of Edward and avoid altering it.
Some people join their character up with Edward immediately and they get along straight away. That is another thing, he will straight away distrust your character and see them as a nusiance. Remember that he is looking for the Philosophers stone and he is irritated by anything that distracts them. He will probably warm up to them better if they help him and avoid getting in his way like most OC's do although this will take a long time.
Think these main point through and learn to avoid the obvious stuff and you have an Edward!
Any suggestions you have would be nice!
Thank you Anonymoussama for your review! I'm grateful!

(By the way, I think this is the 250th post. Unless I got it wrong and it's the next, but fear not. I'm posting another one. Yes, more work for you Editor and/or Pisces. I want my reward now.)

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